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blank line after every line in a report exported to csv inside CRD5.1

hi everyone,

i have a crystal report that when you export to a csv file is working fine.

but when i put it in CRD and set to export it to csv the resulting file contains a blank line after every record (sample below)




i need to put the report inside crd so that it can be automatically generated and emailed to clients.

has anyone ever experience this before?



Re: blank line after every line in a report exported to csv inside CRD5.1

I have had this on two reports.

On the first report, I had to edit the report and make the height of the details section smaller. In other words there was too much space between the bottom of the dara and where the next line started.

This little trick didn't work for my second report, but after I applied the latest CR runtime components, it worked correctly.

I have not had any problems since.

Maybe one of the above will help.

Re: blank line after every line in a report exported to csv inside CRD5.1

Hi Mike,

Does your report uses group headers/footers? I used them as a resolution to a known problem in crystal re header and trailer when extracted to a csv file. As a workaround, crystal suggests that you use dummy groups. And that's what I did. It fixed the problem when you extract it directly from crystal. The problem starts when you put the report inside CRD and let CRD do all the extraction.

I will try to install the latest cr runtime as you suggested and see what happens. =)


Re: blank line after every line in a report exported to csv inside CRD5.1

That's the problem. If you write your report with the data pulling through in details and suppress all headers and footers, all will be well.

Crystal itself does not use the runtime components (dlls). They are there for third party applications to use to interface with the reports. So a bug in Crystal may not be a bug in the components - as in your case. So your fix for the "bug" in CR is causing a problem with the components.

But be aware that the components also have their own unique bugs, so it is not unusual to find that something works OK in CR but does not quite do the same in CRD. The CRD guys have written workarounds to most of the CR bugs so that you don't notice them, but, occasionally, you may come accross one that they havent done up yet. Just so you are aware...

Hope this helps.

Re: blank line after every line in a report exported to csv inside CRD5.1

I see what you mean. I did suppressed all the dummy headers and footers and I'm still getting the same bug, a blank line after every entries. I also installed the latest cr runtime components with no luck. =(


Re: blank line after every line in a report exported to csv inside CRD5.1

Are all the CRD people reading all the entries here? So that I don't have to fill out their form anymore.

The problem is with regards to the use of dummy groups as a fix to a known crystal error re header and trailer. when it is being extracted to a csv file directly from the cr file, it works fine. but when put inside crd and let crd do the extraction to a csv file, crd inserts a blank after each and every line.

hope this will be included as a fix for a future build. or is there another workaround?



Re: blank line after every line in a report exported to csv inside CRD5.1

I'm afraid you will need to log a support call for this as we will need the information in the long form, and possibly some other files from you in order to replicate the issue and suggest a workaround.

Re: blank line after every line in a report exported to csv inside CRD5.1

Just in case someone has the same problem, the resolution was to update the DLL file being used in exporting to CSV (U2FSEPV.DLL)

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