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Automation Schedules


I am having a bit of a problem with your automation schedules. The issue has to do with timing, I have 2 tasks in the schedule. One has to be run after the other, but when CRD runs the schedule, it runs them at the same time. Inserting a wait (30 secs) doesn't seem to do anything, CRD just runs all the tasks in the schedule at the same time, including the wait. Because of this, the tasks I'm trying to automate doesn't come out correctly. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?


Re: Automation Schedules

There are no circumstances under which CRD would run tasks simultaneously instead of sequentially.

However, CRD does not wait for the task to be completed before it runs the next task. Here's what I mean. If, for example, your task runs a batch file, then CRD will not wait for the batch file to complete before moving to the next task. It iwll move on as soon as the batch file has been successfully called.

You might want to increase your wait to , say, 3 minutes, to satisfy yourself that CRD is actually waiting before it moves to the next task.

If the problem still persists, then log a call by going to Help - Support in CRD. Out automation expert will be able to take a look at the problem and suggest some solutions.

Re: Automation Schedules


Thank you very much! That solved my problem. It turns out that my batch file was taking a long time, and when I waited 10 secs, it wasn't long enough. I didn't know that CRD didn't wait until a task was completed before it kicked off the next task. Thanks again!


Re: Automation Schedules

Hello again,

I tried out what you told me, but it still isn't working. However, I have verifed that you are right in that CRD does NOT wait for the previous task to be finished before moving on. However, I think it also applies to wait commands. I inserted a wait command between tasks and it still ran the task after the wait command before the wait was over. That sounded confusing, so here's an example:

Task 1
Runs a batch file which grabs a file from a server,
copies it to a local directory, pgps it. Takes about 10 seconds to do

Task 2
Wait 60 seconds

Task 3
Emails PGP file out

What happens is that task 3 runs at almost the same time as task 1, so when task 3 is run, the file that task 1 outputs is not there yet so the email never gets sent out. Even with task 2 (the wait command) there, task 3 still kicks off at the beginning.

I tested it by putting a dummy file in the directory, the file that task 3 looks for. I did this so that task 3 would run successfully whether task 1 completed or not. I then executed the schedule and lo and behold, i got the email before the wait(60) was over, whereas it should be run *after* the wait.

At this point, if you guys don't have a fix, I see no choice but to create two automation schedules, one for the batch file and one for the email one minute later. Please let me know soon if there is a workaround.


Re: Automation Schedules

Thanks for the info.

I have passed your comments over to the development team. I expect a resolution in the next build which will be mid - end of next week.

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