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Dynamic Packages?

I am evaluating CRD, and am trying to create a dynamic package.

I can create a single report as a dynamic schedule, but I really need to create a package of dynamic reports - a global linked key value for a set of reports that will be called once for each resulting value from the link query (preferable collated).

For example:
- I have 3 reports: summary, transactions, and inventory
- I want to run the set of reports as a package of pdfs that get combined into a single pdf
- I want this to run once for each store where store is the only parameter to each of these 3 reports.

Is this possible?


Re: Dynamic Packages?

This ability to merge pdf files from multiple schedules is currently not available. I have put it on the enhancement list for a future build. You will get this update free as part of your maintenance package. No date yet, I'm afraid..

Re: Dynamic Packages?

The functionality you requested will be released next week. Simply sign up at to get automatic alerts of new releases.

Here's how it will work:

1. Schedule all your dynamic schedules to export to the same folder

2. Write a custom task to execute at the end of the last schedule - or use an automation schedule set for a certain time - to merge all pdf files in the given folder.

3. Write another custom task to deliver the merged file to your chosen destination.

Thank you for your suggestion. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you come accross any new things you would like us to add.

Re: Dynamic Packages?

May I suggest creating a feature that allows one to create a "row selection" (multiple columns) from the database at the 'top' of a package and then have all of the columns available as 'dynamic fields' - like constants or database fields. These would be available in all fields (Directory location, File name, Email address, Email subject, Email body, Zip password, etc.) I would prefer that the columns be specified by name, but column number would work as well, it just would not be as robust.


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