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Dynamic Schedule not completing

I have installed the version 5.0 demo and have setup my dynamic schedule, which is outputting to email... However it is only sending 4 reports, sometimes 1 report or sometime 5 reports.. i am using a report which has been running on version 4.5 with no problems..any help?

Re: Dynamic Schedule not completing

I had the same problem in this what I did:

1. Ensured that I had installed and updated the latest runtime components in CR Developer (You have to have CR Developer or Advanced installed for this to work. I sent the support desk a screenshot of the help-about of by CR Developer installation and they created an installation of the runtimes for me.)

2. Made sure that I had all the OS service packs installed.

The above fixed my issue.

Re: Dynamic Schedule not completing

I upgraded to CR V11.0 and it works fine! ... Thank You

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