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Exporting images to pdf

We are using cr11 and crd5.5 . We have dynamic links to images in our report and need to export to pdf. When I view the file from crystal the images size perfectly, when I export from cr to pdf they size perfectly but when I run a crd schedule to create the pdf the image appears slightly smaller. I also have the same problem with a formula field that uses cstr()to convert a number to a string. It will display fine from cr or exported to pdf but from crd it displays the 1000s seperator and 2 decimal places. Any help would be great.


Re: Exporting images to pdf

I just thought of sharing this experience I had with having a different result from CR and CRD. So, I'm not sure if my solution will work with yours. But anyway....I had the same problem with exporting to CSV file. The output in CR was fine but I was having problem with CRD. Their technical support suggested something about the runtime file components. So what I did was to update the DLL file that is being used by the runtime components in exporting the output to CSV. And it worked! My problem was solved.

I was thinking that you might want to try and explore the runtime files that is being used in exporting to PDF. You'll never know =)


Re: Exporting images to pdf

I think the bug is in the CR runtimes because I have the same problem when I use CR 11, but not CR 9 or CR 10. I dn't use any reports of this nature myself, but Ann might be right and it might be worthwhile replacing the pdf export dll. Sometimes replacing it with one from an older version does the trick.

On the other issue, I know that when I am using ToText, I have to actually specify how I want it to come out.

If you are converting a number to text, then you need to use a different formula which specifies what the number format is and how many decimal places you want.

ToText(1001) = 1,001.00
ToText(1001,0) = 1,001
ToText(1001,0,"") = 1001

e.g. Create two formulas, one for Month and the other for Year
For Year: ToText(Year({@DateConv}),0,"")
For Month: ToText(Month({@DateConv}),0,"")

and so on. I expect you have to do a similar thing with your formula in order to get it to export out how you expect.

I hope this helps.

Re: Exporting images to pdf

Turns out it is a bug in Crystal Reports, Christian Stevens pointed out the hotfix I needed and now the images resize properly.


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