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how to edit the parameter of an existing package


can anyone tell me how to edit the parameters of a package? i can't seem to find a way to edit it coz when i double-clicked a parameter, the "edit" button is disabled. i'm looking for another before i resort to my last measure (which is to delete the package and add it again)



Re: how to edit the parameter of an existing package

I assume you are talking about the parameters of a report in a package. When I double click on the report, the report properties come up. I click the parameters tab, double-click on the parameter I want to change, highlight it and change he parameter value. I don't see an "edit" button anywhere....

Alternatively, I can clcik on the "parameters" button and then select the parameter from the list and modify it. Again, no "edit" button.

Have I completely misunderstood?

Re: how to edit the parameter of an existing package

in CRD5.5 you can specify the parameter as a database field and there's a requery button there that you can use if you want to point them to another database....i can't see that requery button.....but i can see them if i try to edit a single schedule report.....what should i do if its a package?

Re: how to edit the parameter of an existing package

There is no re-query button, but you can do what you want to do by deleting the current parameter value, right-clicking in the parameter value box, select insert etc etc and choosing a new database and database value.
Failing that, you can delet the report in the package and re-add it without having to delete the whole package.

Re: how to edit the parameter of an existing package

thanks james.

i deleted the reports in the package and added them again.


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