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Excel export from CRD diff than Crystal 9

Hello, A bit behind on our Crystal (business Objects) version, but can't get around this problem:

- exporting to Excel 97-2000 from Crystal 9 produces a nicely formatted spreadsheet columns in line and falls within landscape page width when printing.

- exporting to Excel 97-2000 from CRD produces columns out-of-line, overshooting page width.

Any help is appeciated. Thanks MC

Re: Excel export from CRD diff than Crystal 9

Go to Options - General, and use the excel options about 3/4 of the way down the page. You will need to restart your PC for these options to "take". Then use them in combination with the options that come up when you select Excel in destinations. After a bit of playing around you should find the ideal combination that gives you what you are looking for

Re: Excel export from CRD diff than Crystal 9

Thanks for the reply, James. I've tried a few of the choices from the "Options". But no luck yet. I'm about out of time for tonight. I will continue the quest tomorrow.

Re: Excel export from CRD diff than Crystal 9

I applied Crystal Reports 9 service pack 4 to the PC that runs the scheduler software. That seemed to do the trick. When I went through the steps above, nothing seemed to make any diff on the report, even choosing constant width columns 36 points.

I need to note that another guy was working on the report as well, he may have made a last minute change to the report design that was the fix it needed. His take on the matter was that each field needs to be "anchored" on both ends, top, bottom and each field needs to be the size of the max field contents. But even he conceded that all looked fine to him and still the output was ugly. I will make another post if I learn that he had it right before I applied the SP4.

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