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Backup and Exporting only some schedules


I'm trying to export only some schedules (versus exporting everything) to another computer with CRD.

I know that with "Backup system", it backups all the schedules, and if I "Restore system" in the other computer, it will restore all the schedules I have.

I only want some schedules on the other computer.
How can this be done?


Re: Backup and Exporting only some schedules

There is no function in CRD to export and import selected schedules. You can always import the whole lot and just delete the ones you don't want.

Re: Backup and Exporting only some schedules

Thanks for your answer.

But, in the other computer I already have the other schedules set up (in the production computer), so if I import all the schedules again, it will replace those already in there (some PATH directories may be different).

Well, I'll see what I can do about it.

I think that feature should be added to CRD! =)


Re: Backup and Exporting only some schedules


I'm getting back to this message because I think it is important to be able to export only some schedules to another computer with CRD (let's say production machine). Sometimes I just want some schedules, let's say the recent schedules, instead of having to export all the schedules.

If this feature could be added to a new release, it would make my life much easier.

Thank you!

Re: Backup and Exporting only some schedules

I can comfirm that this is on the list for a future build. I have no date yet, but it will weeks rather than months.

It will work like this:

The backup process will still back up all schedules, but the restore process will allow you to restore (or import) just selected schedules if you wish.

Re: Backup and Exporting only some schedules

Great! I can't wait for the new build to come out!!

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