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Disappearing Zeroes in CRD produced Crystal Report

On running Crystal reports through CRD, the report output looses trailing zreoes in the numerical values. For instance if I have a value of 123.00 CRD outputs it to the Crystal Report as 1.23. When I run these reports native in Crystal reports I get the correct value of 123.00. Has anyone any suggestions as to why this may be happening. This only happens where the value is a whole number ie: has 00 following the decimal point.

Re: Disappearing Zeroes in CRD produced Crystal Report

You need to use the Crystal formulae as prescribed in the Crystal Hep file to tell CRD houw you want your numbers to look - especially if you are converting to text. For example:

If you are converting a number to text, then you need to use a different formula which specifies what the number format is and how many decimal places you want.

ToText(1001) = 1,001.00
ToText(1001,0) = 1,001
ToText(1001,0,"") = 1001

You will find all the variables in the CR help file.

Hope this answers our question.

Re: Disappearing Zeroes in CRD produced Crystal Report

Thanks for this, I'll give it a try. Just not quite sure, because running native in CR gives the correct answer, but running it through CRD automation gets it wrong. Guess I'll just try it and see.

Re: Disappearing Zeroes in CRD produced Crystal Report

I'm not doing any numeric to text conversion. The data is numeric all the way through. My concern is that running the report native in Crystal Reports the numbers are formatted correctly, but when produced under CRD they are not. Anyone any ideas ?

Many Thanks,


Re: Disappearing Zeroes in CRD produced Crystal Report

In Crysstal, number fileds take their format from the default settings that have been set up in Crystal. Crystal stores them in its settings and uses them when you run a report. They are not stored IN the report.

CRD does not know about these settings. Moreover, you might want different settings for different reports. So you have to store the number formatting information actually in the report so that CRD knows what to do with it.

To do this, right-click on the filed and select "format". Change the format from "System default Number Format" to whatever you want it to be.

Save the report and refresh your schedule. When you next run the schedule, the format will be as you prescribed.

Re: Disappearing Zeroes in CRD produced Crystal Report

I must admit I've tried this already. What is even more suprising, that I have just discovered, is that if I preview the output from either the 'parameters' or the 'report options' tabs, then I get the correct formatting, when I run the report through Tools / Test Schedule it is incorrect.

Re: Disappearing Zeroes in CRD produced Crystal Report

Then I would advise that you update the CR runtime components as the output format etc is done by these. Usually, if you send member services a screenshot of your CR help - about screen they will use the information there to create a bespoke installation of the latest runtimes for you.

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