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installing message displayed on screen when a schedule is ran manually


I had a problem with the format of extracted CSV file report before. Its working on the CRD that is installed in my local PC but not on the server used by the user. So what I did was I copied the DLL file to the server and everything is working fine now.

I just noticed that if I run a schedule the "windows installing" message is displayed on screen. And then I will get a message Internal Error. If I click on Ok to get rid of the message and run the schedule again everything runs smoothly. The message is not displayed again.

I was just wondering how will I get rid of that message. There's nothing wrong with the output, its producing the result that we're expecting. Its that "annoying" message that I want to get rid of.

Aside from re-installing everything, is there any other option that I can do?

Thanks and regards.


Re: installing message displayed on screen when a schedule is ran manually

This message appears because you removed/replaced files installed by the Windows Installer therefore everytime these files are referenced, the Windows Installer system attempts to 'repair' the installation. You may have to reinstall Crystal Reports and CRD.

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