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Crystal X11 vs Crystal 9

I have sent a tech support email last week with no response.

I am attempting to evaluate CRD for a large client. Having used it before with no problems I am struggling with the latest build.

The client has purchased Crystal XI Professional, whereas the Pre-Req states Developer or Advanced for versions 10.x or less.

Firstly can I use the CRD functionality using CR XI?

Secondly I have tested this with Crystal 9.x developer and every time I go to view a report in the schedule as part of a test I get an unknown error, the report window comes up on continue but no activex control.

Can someone point me in the correct direction as as soon as I can set it up we wish to purchase?

Re: Crystal X11 vs Crystal 9

A reply was sent to you. But we heard nothing further

1. CRD 5.5 is compatible with CR 11.xx. You must select the version of CR you are using either during the installation, or using the "Change Crystal Version" shortcut in the windows start menu. You must install CR 11 developer or advanced in order to use CRD with reports which are written in CR 11 and below.

2. The problem you are getting with Previewing is because the runtimes ou are using are not the latest and you have not updated your system with all the hotfixes and updates for CR9. Once you have the latest previewer dll you will find that the issue goes away. You can always get a bespoke installation of the CR runtimes created for you for free by sending a screenhot of your Crystal Reports Help - About screen showing your CR license code to I believe the helpdesk asked for this from you, but received no reply...

Re: Crystal X11 vs Crystal 9

Yep. Cheers. Just downloaded the latest patch for v9.0 and it works.

Should be able to evaluate now.

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