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Record Selections not staying


I have been struggling with the record selection for 2 days already. Everytime I enter the record selection, it gets deleted when I run the schedule. Why is that?

I'm thinking it is because I'm renaming my database to another name before importing new data because I don't want the new data to be appended to the old data, so I'm creating a new database table each time I import. Importing the new data is a task done before running the schedule. The record selection uses a column in that database.

I don't know what is wrong, each time it is exporting the whole database, which is a lot, instead of only selecting some records.

Anybody help!!!

PS I have polling set to 5, and No background scheduling

Re: Record Selections not staying

If you want to just select some records, you need to write this in the Record Selection Formula within the Crystal report. Do this in Crystal. Once you are satisfied that what you are seeing in Crystal is what you want CRD to export, then save that report and write a schedule for it.

If you are writing your record selection formula within CRD then you must ensure that you do not refresh schedule manually or automatically as this will overwrite what you have done locally with whatever is in your source report.

Re: Record Selections not staying

Thanks for the reply. I didn't know that each time you refresh the schedule, the record selections in CRD are deleted. IS there a way to make them stay? maybe with user constants? BTW, how do you create user constants? using what kind of syntax?

I can't write the record selection in crystal reports because I want to use the same crystal report for many different selections, that's why I thought I can write them in CRD.

Any help?

Re: Record Selections not staying

CRD constants won't help either because they will be wiped out when you refresh.

I have put an enhancement on the list for a future release to give you the choice of keeping the formula or overwriting it.

In the meantime, here is what I suggest:

If you MUST refresh the schedules, because the report structure has changed for example, you must do it manually and folow the process below:

1. Stop the scheduler
2. Go to the CRD folder in Program FilesChristianSteven and make a copy of the file "crdlive.dat".
3. Manually refresh all your schedules. The report structure wil be updated and he formula will be overwritten.
4. Now close the CRD Editor.
5. Replace your current "crdlive.dat" with the copy you made earlier.

When you restart CRD, you will see that the last refreshed date and time has gone back to the previous time, and that the formula is back. When preview the report you will see that the new structure is now in place, but the report uses the formula from previous.

Re: Record Selections not staying

Thank you, I will try it.

Hope for the next release, this feature will be included.


Re: Record Selections not staying

I am looking at this request and I am a bit puzzled...
In Options - General, there is a check box that is labelled "Do not update record selection formula when refreshing schedule". Have you tried this option? Does it not do what you require?

Re: Record Selections not staying

It worked!! I didn't know of this option. I tested it and the local record selections stayed.

Thank you very much!

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