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Refresh schedule before execution


How does 'refresh schedule before execution' in CRD 5 works? There is an option to check this. I have noticed that whenever I check it, the record selection gets deleted afterward - I believe it is deleted everytime it is refreshed. How can I make the record selection stay after refreshing the schedule? (what I really want is to refresh the report, not the schedule).


Re: Refresh schedule before execution

According to the help file, when you make a change in the source report, the change is NOT reflected in CRD automatically. If you want the change to be pulled into CRD, then you use the "Refresh Schedule" option either by right-clicking and selecting "Refresh" or by using the automated option that you have discovered. If you have set up specfic record selection formulae within CRD, then this will, of course, be overwritten when you refresh the schedule and tell CRD to go an re-read everything from the source report.

If you simply want the latest data to be read everytime the schedule executes, you need do nothing, cause CRD does that automatically.

I hope this helps

Re: Refresh schedule before execution

Ok, thanks. Now I know what my problem was.

I hope there is a way to just refresh the report, but keep the local record selections in CRD. That would be great!


Re: Refresh schedule before execution

The very nature of the "refresh" function is that you are saying to CRD to go to the source file and overwrite its data wih whatever it finds there.

I would imagine that the simplest thing to do here would be to not refresh.

Re: Refresh schedule before execution

I think Penny means it replaces the cached report's definition rather than the data.

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