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CRD 5 Install

I am trying to install CRD 5. I am able to download it from the website but when I try to install I get a file transfer error message. The error is: ZIP damaged: file c:documents...tempwzseo.tmpdotnetfx.exe: Bad CRC 6d8f7cea (Should be fb4d7e5e). Possible causes: file transfer error. I tried downloading several times but continue to get the error message. I tried disabling the virus software but it still doesn't work.

Re: CRD 5 Install

I would ask one of your system admins with rights outside your firewall to download it for you.

Or try downloading it from

Or you can try downloading it from as they host it on their own server.

Alternatively, CRD people give you the options of getting it on CD for a small fee. Details on htt://

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