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Problem connecting to DB with CR 10 using VB ( CR 10 Stand alone works fine)

While my 8.5 Crystal Report works perfectly, but once i open and save the same file in Version 10 I get problems.

As a stand alone report both 8.5 and 10 works fine connecting with DB and exporting the report to PDF file.

But with Visual Basic it (Ver 10) raises Error at Export(False) with err no. - 2147189176, which is DB connectivity problem. while the Ver 8.5 works with out any prob.

Any idea why is it happening.
Suggestion will be great help

- $@nto$h

Re: Problem connecting to DB with CR 10 using VB ( CR 10 Stand alone works fine)

I'm assuming you are working with the 8.5 Crystal Active-X control for VB to run the report? Crystal eliminated the Active-X control in Crystal 9 and 10. Later Versions of Crystal will not run with earlier versions of the Active-X. In other words, you cannot run a Crystal 10 report against a Crystal 8.5 Active-X for VB. One work around is to create your own Active-x control. You may also be able to find one in shareware that runs reports.

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