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how to refresh parameters (based on database fields)

hi experts,

i created a schedule that uses the parameters features. everything is working fine except that when i changed the value of the parameter (pointing to a database table) the report is still using the old value. how do i "refresh" it so that it will use the new value? sort of like the verify database option inside crystal report.

thanks and regards.


Re: how to refresh parameters (based on database fields)

Make sure that your report is NOT saved "with data". Then right-click the schedule and select "Refresh" to pull in the new report saved without data. Also, in properties, make sure that you have not checked the option to use saved data.

Now every time you change the parameter value in CRD, CRD will go to the database an pull up new data based on the parameter value you have entered. There will be no need to do a "refresh".

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