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Schedule Quirks

We are currently in the evaluation phase at this time. We just got everything operational but the schedules are very quirky. We are not getting any errors and we set up the report to go out once every hour. Initially I am getting 5-6 instances successfully sent within 30-45 seconds of each other.

Then the reports don't get sent on the normal schedule.

Any thoughts?


Re: Schedule Quirks

Sounds like an environmental issue. Make sure you are not using Termnal services, windows xp remote control, or related software to remote control the PC. Reboot the server.

Check out the Pre-requisites document and make sure all the things mentined there are in place, but it sounds very much like a ts issue.

Re: Schedule Quirks

I agree with Ken. I think it is enironmental, and almost cetainly the sort of thing that happens if people are ts'ing into the server.

Re: Schedule Quirks

You might want to check your SMTP Timeout setting and make it to timeout at 90 instead of the default of 30. If CRD doent get a confirmation that it was sent it wull retry the schedule

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