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CRD wont start on win2003 sp1 or xp sp2

When using CRD on windows 2003 sp1 or xp sp2 nothing happens when I double click the shortcut.

Is there some incompatibiltuy with the operating system?

Re: CRD wont start on win2003 sp1 or xp sp2

This problem has been known to occur after an installation of SP1.
It is security related. Try this:

The cause is the DEP (Data Execution Prevention) from Win 2003 SP1

1. Click Start, click Run, type sysdm.cpl, and then click OK.
2. Click the Advanced tab, click Performance, and then click Settings.
3. In Performance Options, click the Data Execution Prevention tab, and
then click Add.
4. In the Open dialog box, locate and then click the program (crd5.exe).
5. Click Open, click Apply, and then click OK. When you are prompted to restart your computer, click OK.

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