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Concurrent Scheduling of multiple packages against different SQL server

I am trying to schedule 2 different report packages to run against 2 different production servers during our downtime window. Due to the duration of the window, running the two packages one after another isn't feasible. Is there any way to make the packages run at the same time? (Currently we use CRD 4.5, I didn't see anywhere that this efeature was added in a newer version)

Re: Concurrent Scheduling of multiple packages against different SQL server

The Multi-Threaded feature already existed in 4.5.

In Options, you can check the option to use multi-threading. Bear in mind that the CR components will not allow more than 4 reports to be run simultaneously, so if you have 1 report in a package, then 4 packages will run simultaneously, but if you have 8 reports in a package, then you will not be able to get all packages to run simultaneously.

If the latter is the case, then the only options open to you are

1. Install multiple copies of CRD on multiple PCs
2. Upgrade to Corporate Edition. Here you are able to run multiple instances of CRD and control them from a single "master". Each slave can have multi-threading switched on and it therefore means that you can potentially run 4 x number of PCs you have simultaneously.

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