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run crd in command shell


has anyone ever tried running CRD in the command shell? i tried running it in the server where CRD is installed and it was successful but when i tried running it in a client's command shell, i am getting an application error.

error message is:

crd5.exe - Common Language Runtime Debugging Services
Application has generated an exception that could not be handled.
Process ID-0xda4 (3492), Thread is=0xd50 (3408).

i have set the sharing of the main folder for crd to full access and mapped it to the client's PC.


Re: run crd in command shell

When you run a shell command of any application from a client, the program is loaded up on the client not on the server. It is the client that does the procesing, not the server.

Therefore the client has to have all the environmental requirements of the application in place. In this case, the error is caused by one or more missing components on the client PC.

You must install the application on the client PC so that all the required dll's etc are there for the program to reference. This is fairly normal for most applications.

If you want to send off ad-hoc schedules from a client, you should get the client to create an event e.g update a database, modify a file, etc. Then write an Event-based schedule in CRD to look out for these changes and to send off the correct report when it sees a change.

If you want to remote control CRD, then you should use CRD's Remote Administration tool. Or VNC.

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