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Database Automatic Login

I am trying to setup reports to run every Monday at 7am. The data is coming from an ACT database, which requires a login. I have chosen five reports through CRD to be compiled to one report (i.e., packaged report). Now, for each report I selected I went under report options and changed it so database log-in required and filled in the log-in data. This is supposed to log-in automatically then so I don't need to be at my desk for the programs to run. however, it still requires me to log on.

Re: Database Automatic Login

You are not using the proper version of Crystal Reports. You need to obtain either the Developer or advanced edition.


Re: Database Automatic Login

it was working yesterday at first but then something went wrong with my crystal so we reinstalled and then didn't. original was standard version thoug.

Re: Database Automatic Login

If you have been testing other CR schedulers, or using other CR related products then some of them come with the Developer components and dlls bundled in them. So CRD would have used these components too. When you uninstall the other products, they uninstall the components and CRD can't find them and stops working.

Installing CR developer ensures that the components are on the PC whether other products are installed or not.

You can see more about this by looking at

Re: Database Automatic Login

do you know which other schedulers would have the nexessary components - this way, i wouldn't need to upgrade versions of crystal

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