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Error 2147189182

CRD version: 5.5

Query Engine Error: '42S:Driver]An unqualified search was issued and the server
has been configured to disallow unqualified searches.
You must specify some search criteria to perform a search on this form'

A scheduled package with 10 has been working fine for weeks. A few days ago 8 reports failed. Since then these 8 reports keep failing. Executing the schedule manually fails the 8 reports too.

I redesigned one of these 8 reports, scheduled it in a new package and it fails each time.
Running these reports in Crystal Reports works fine.

The CRDlive.bat is compacted and repaired everyday.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance

Re: Error 2147189182

I have seen the same error message. I am running dynamic reports and only one of the 27 reports generated have this error. Did you ever find a solution?

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