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How do I set up a Server and Clients sharing the same schedule database?

What are the requirements to set up CRD on other PC's (other than the server) to be able to access the SQL database (we migrated to SQL Server) on our main scheduling CRD server. Do we have to register/activate on the other PC's? Do we have to have Crystal Developer on those PC's? What do we do for remote access instead? The same thing? We have the version that allows multiple copies...

Re: How do I set up a Server and Clients sharing the same schedule database?

Yes, the second PC will need all te same environmental requirements as the first PC. So you will need to install Crystal Developer or Advanced and make sure al the other pre-requiites are in place. You will need to run the registration and activation wizard on the second PC and activate it as you did the old PC. Set up the options etc and test fully.

If you are going to join the same database, then you must ensure that you switch off the scheduler on the second PC as otherwise schedules may be sent more than once. You can do this by going to Options - Scheduling. Set this to None and click Apply Settings.

Also, the new PC will need to share the system folders of the old PC. To do this, go to Options - Housekeeping - System paths and point the two paths to the same paths that are in use by the old PC.

At this point, the new PC will still be looking at its own database. To point it to the existing SQL database, do the following:

Create a system DSN to the SQL database.
Go to Tools - System Tools - Update database info.
Select the system dsn from the drop down list and enter your credentials.
Now go to Tools - System Tools - System - Switch - Toodbc/localsql

CRD will now switch to using the SQL database.

Again, we recommend that you ise VNC, pCAnywhere or other NON TS-based remote control product.

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