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Re: Destination Directory

A lot of crashing and losing schedule information means that your environment is not right. Make sure you read the pre-requisites document and you put all those things in place - MDAC, MSJet, .NET 1.1, Crystal Developer or Advanced etc.

You also need to read what is in the Oops box. All of them tell you what the error or problem is, and most of them actually tell you what the solution is too. If it doesn't have a "suggestion" in it, then you should go to Help-Support-Technical Support and log a call with the helpdesk. They normally come back to you within hours.

To populate the parameter value from a database, click on the "insert" button on the parameter screen and select database. Then you will need to write a Data Item. This is basically the sql query that returns the data you want. Once you have written the query and selected the data item the results of the query will populate the parameter. But be careful - if your parameter type is discreet, then make sure that your data item returns only one value. You need to make sure that the data item returns data in the format that the crystal paramater is expecting. And make sure you are connecting to the database using a SYSTEM dsn.

You will find that the the help file is very comprehensive on the setting up of dynamic schedules - with examples etc. You will also find on-line demos on how to set up all types of schedules which makes it easy and clear. You can download a user manual from the downloads page on the website.

Re: Destination Directory

Thank you for your detail response. I has also thought there is something with my env., so I did deinstall and reinstall. Got the manual. Will slow down and try again.

Re: Destination Directory

Data Item: How can I pass a parameter (e.g. orgname which is a field on the report) to the SQL.

Create Folder: Can I dynamically pick up the folder name from a defined data item.

I have the following msg from bursting schedule:
Basic syntax is not supported in group or record selection formula.[-2147189563]. My crystal report does have the org name as a group and I have also report bursting index on org name. I do not define a record selection in the report.

If I can define the destination directory from a database field then do I have to define each org in the 'group value' like 'Development Service' when setting up the report output.

Also the table list comes up without schema (I am using Oracle and the data I pulled can come from several schemas within the same database), will you eventually support native driver instead of going thru ODBC ?

Thank You in advance

Re: Destination Directory

- Data items are not used to pass a parameter value from CRD to the sql statement. They are used to collect information from the database. The information is then used by CRD. So, to pick up a parameter value FROM the database TO the report you would use the GUI to create a sql statement e.g select orgname from mytable where date = date().

- Yes. Place the cursor where you want thatvalue to be in the destination folder field, click "insert" and insert the data item.

- You are not setting up the bursting schedule correctly. I would suggest you log a call with the helpdesk. They will look at your schedule and your report and come back to you with some suggestions. You can log a call by going to Help - Support in CRD.

- Yes, you have to define a destination for each group. On the basis of this, I suspect that a dynamic schedule will be more the thing to use rather than a bursting schedule. Same end result, but you don't have to define individual destinations for each group manually. This is done by SQL and therefore requires little maintenance and updating if group names change, or new ones are added.

- You will have to ask CRD support about this, but I think you are getting confused with CRD and Crystal. Crystal's native connectivity is for Crystal reports and CRD will use Crystal's native connectivity to run reports which have been written in this way. CRD, like any other third party application, communicates with databases through ODBC drivers. I doubt ChristianSteven are planning to write their own connectivity modules to specified database types... there aren't many companies that do this as the ODBC layer is what is universally recognized as the methd of communication with databases. But it won't hurt to ask the question.

Do let me know what they say, and how you get on with your bursting schedule problem.

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