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Re: Can CRD hand a single report running for multiple databases?

CRD does not override the connection information in the Crystal report.

The simplest way to do this would be to save different versions of your report (each with different dsn information) and write separate schedules for each version.

I would upgrade to CRD 5 anyway as I believe CRD 4 is no longer supported.

Re: Can CRD hand a single report running for multiple databases?


We have over 50 databases to run two reports against. Creating more than fifty copies of the each report is a maintenance nightmare. And we'll have to do the same for any reports?

We may upgrade to v5 anyway, but for right now v4 does everything we need it to, except allow us to run a single report against multiple databases.

Re: Can CRD hand a single report running for multiple databases?

I don't know of a way to achieve what you are trying to do in CRD 5 (which is what I am using). And I was only trying to help (user to user).

You should submit an enhancement request of some form to the CRD team.

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