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Re: error message

It doesn't sound like you are refreshing the schedule. it sounds like you are refreshing the report (which is totally different).

To refresh your schedules, right-click on the schedule and select "Refresh". This makes CRD go off and re-read the source report and store the cached report in the correct place for use later.

Make sure also that your reports are NOT saved "with data" so that new data is pulled in every timw the report is run.

BTW you can refresh all the reports in a folder by right-clicking on the folder - All Content - Refresh.

Re: error message

thanks, but i am refreshing the schedule. When i change the report path, i get a message box saying the schedule is going to refresh. I say ok after it refreshes, apply, close, refresh again, execute. After the report executes it goes right back to the way it was, and i have to follow these steps again.
Any other ideas? thanks

Re: error message

I would file a support request

Re: error message


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