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report scheduling in archive

I want do store the generated reports in archive form..I mean I want to view all the modified versions of the report...but in CRD the last modified report overwrites the previous ones, keeping only one report in the destination...I need seperate report for each day so that I can just make a search and view the report generated for a particular day...say 5 days before..can any one help me if it is possible in CRD ??

Re: report scheduling in archive

Append date/time to the output file name. You will find this option in the Desination setup. Each file will have date or date and time of generation as part of the name, so it does not get overwritened. You can use Folder Housekeeping to tell CRD to delete everything older than 5 days.

Or, switch on "Snapshots". This will keep copies of the past reports in CRD so that you can view them and recreate them if you need to.

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