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Customer number and other help


I'm relatively new in my job, and trying to rescue some things that my predecessor (who is no longer around) had done. In the interim between his leaving and my arrival, a switch in Windows domains was done, leaving some things broken. One of these was a machine on which we had set up CRD.

So, first question: any way to figure out my Customer number? It isn't present in the About:CRD, though my license is. Can't call CRD, and can't ask for support without the customer number. Any advice would be very welcome. Thanx.

Now, as long as I'm here, I figure I might as well ask the two questions I was going to ask support. First are there any CRD service packs or hotfixes? If so, where do I get them?

Second: I'm getting the following error:
"Could not create the COM handle for Crystal Reports. Please make sure you have selected the correct Crystal version."
Initially, this machine had professional on it. And yes, I know that doesn't work according to the requirements doc, but it was working for us before the move, back in July. (At least that's what I glean from the logs.) However, I dutifully upgraded my Crystal to developer and applied all service packs and hotfixes. But this did not fix my error. If anyone out there has an explanation that would be great. If not, if you can simply help me reach the support staff, that would also be great.


Jonathan Danieley
Washington University
School of Medicine

Re: Customer number and other help

If your predecessor has registered then the customer should be displayed in the about screen.

There are new patches for Crystal Reports and CRD, you will need to download them. This will also take care the new version of microsoft.NET framework (2.0) if it is pushed out to your w/s by accident.

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