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How do you handle system downtimes?

We are fairly new to CRD and now have a lot of reports scheduled that run off of various systems. How does everyone handle when your systems you report off of have a downtime when your reports are scheduled to run?

I know there is the "retry" option when you schedule the report but I don't necessarily want to set up our reports to retry for 3 or 4 hours so they get to run when the system comes back up. I don't know that there really is an answer to this question but I'm just curious as to how other organizations handle problems like this.



Re: How do you handle system downtimes?

All our dbs has live replicating. All our reports take data from replicate copy instead of live. If live server is down, is no problem because reports come from copy of db.

My english not good. Hope you undestanding me.

Re: How do you handle system downtimes?

I did understand you perfectly Jonas. Thank you for your feedback.

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