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Wrong format "Year" when CRD export to PDF?

I'm try to evaluate the CRD for our company.

When we export a CR report to PDF, everything goes OK, but when CRD to the same, the year (2006) is displayed like 2 006,00. Please help

Re: Wrong format "Year" when CRD export to PDF?

If you are converting a number to text, then you need to use a different formula which specifies what the number format is and how many decimal places you want.

ToText(1001) = 1,001.00
ToText(1001,0) = 1,001
ToText(1001,0,"") = 1001

e.g. Create two formulas, one for Month and the other for Year
For Year: ToText(Year({@DateConv}),0,"")
For Month: ToText(Month({@DateConv}),0,"")

I hope this helps

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