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Re: Error Number: 13

Your CRD database is corrupt. Right - click on each schedule and select "Refresh". This will rebuild settings for each schedule and the error should go away.

Re: Error Number: 13

Thanks for tip! I think it panned out... For anyone interested, here's what I think happened:

We have some Crystal reports on networked folders.

That machine was updated with new IP/DNS information, which consequently severed the "connection" between our CRD server causing it to hang.

After refreshing those schedules, it appears all is well.

Re: Error Number: 13

I hate it when cliche's rear their ugly head... I counted my eggs before they hatched.

A schedule refresh wasn't the only thing that was needed.
I removed a parameter field from the report & didn't realize you needed to refresh the parameters as well.

Live & learn.

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