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TEXT and CSV export problems

I have a report in CR 8.5, which I want to export in to semi-colon separated text.

From Crystal Reports this works fine, but CR Distributor insists on putting comma's around the strings - i.e. :-

7000-8523;0;0;6 - from Crystal
,7000-8523,;0;0;6 - from CRD

I have the seperator as ; and the delimiter field empty.

I tried to get around the problem by joining all the fields in to a string and putting in the semi-colons within the report, then exporting as text. This is still no good, as CRD adds a blank line at the beginning of the file and a space at the start of each line.

Getting VERY frustrated now !!

Any ideas please? HELP !!


Re: TEXT and CSV export problems

I have updated the export dll (U2FSEPV.DLL) and now it is exporting like this :-

,7000-8523;0;0;6, - from CRD

Still need to get rid of the comma's though - any ideas ?


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