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Invalid Parameter Name in Deployed Project

Hi I generated an Installer of an application which works with CR9, the project genertates all reports perfectly in my work machine , but when I run it in another one where I installed the application the following error happens....

"Error in file Invalid parameter name."

I already put the merge modules and its licence key but nothing... something I noticed was that in the installed appl the temp.rpt file were created in the machine's temp folder, and not in the project folder, I don't know if it has something to do with that...!

I don't have any clue about this, and there's not too much info in the web, can anybody help me please???!!!

Re: Invalid Parameter Name in Deployed Project

Check the system paths (Options/HouseKeeping/System Paths) and make sure that the Temporary Output Folder and Cached Reports Folder Path are mapped to the correct drive (you might have some drive mapping on your w/s but not on the other w/s). Just a thought and hope this help.

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