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Dynamic Scheduling to html pages

I'm trying to run a dynamic schedule for a report for each customer in a database. This seems to be working properly(I see all of them run/complete) except that when it outputs my webpages to file, it apparently keeps overwriting them because there's only one html file and it's of the last customer in the db. Is there a way around this, or a way to put the customer name in the filename somehow as to keep them from overwriting eachother? Thanks in advance for any help you can give.

Re: Dynamic Scheduling to html pages

You cam right click in the customize output file name field and insert into there the Current Parameter value.

Re: Dynamic Scheduling to html pages

Tried the Crystal parameter name with no success. I wonder if there's reserved characters i.e. {,"", ?, % to let it know to use the parameter.

Re: Dynamic Scheduling to html pages

You need to use the Constants function in CRD. To access these, right-click in the field you want to add a constant. Select "Insert". Select "Constants".

In your case I would insert the @@CRD constant of Key Parameter Value into the "Customize the output filename" field.

Now insted of your reports all being called the same thing an overwriting each other, they will be called different names. Assuming your key parameter values are your customer names, then the reports will be named after each customer.

Re: Dynamic Scheduling to html pages

You madame...are a genius. Thanks to both of you. I had tried a number of the constants/db fields with little success...but this one seems to work. Much appreciated.

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