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MAPI errors running schedule as service

I've just installed CRD 6 and am trying to run the scheduler as a service. I created a domain user account, created a mailbox, created a MAPI profile and allowed the service account rights to "Log on as a service" and "Act as part of the operating system". It is also a local administrator on the PC.

I get the following error:

Event Type: Error
Event Source: CRD
Event Category: None
Event ID: 0
Date: 02/06/2006
Time: 17:41:45
User: N/A
Computer: ST0872
PC Name: ST0872
Date: 02/06/2006 17:41:45
Error Description: Error in IMAPISession::OpenMsgStore: 0x8004011D
Error Number: -2147221219
Error Source: clsMarsMessaging.SendMAPI
Line Number: 181

This PC is running Windows XP with Service Pack 2, Outlook 2003 with Service Pack 2, and all latest Microsoft patches. We're using Crystal Reports Developer XI with Service Packs 1 and 2 and the latest hotfixes. CRD is version 6.0, build 20060531/110. Our Microsoft Exchange 2003 server is running SP1 but not SP2 yet.

When I add the service account to the Domain Admins group, the schedule works perfectly.

I also have no problems if I run the application schedule instead of the service.

Any ideas? Have I missed anything? Is this being caused by the Outlook Object Model Guard?


Re: MAPI errors running schedule as service

In addition to the user rights you have assigned, the NT service user has to be a member of the local administrators group in order ofr the Exchange integration to work.

When running manually, CRD actually connects using the local MAPI profile. The NT service cannot use this (if the pc is logged off) so its security requirements are somewhat more stringent as it bypasses the profile and connects directly to the exchange server.

Re: MAPI errors running schedule as service

Thanks, but the service account does also have local admin rights.

Re: MAPI errors running schedule as service

The error means that the CRD service doesn't have access rights to the Outbox of the account on the exchange server. If it works OK whilst trhe user is a domain admin, but doesn't work as a local admin, then clearly some restrictive security policy on your system, so you will need to get your sysadmin to look at policies and ajust them accordingly.

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