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Looping through a database for both email addresses and input patameters - How ?

I'm having a problem getting a report to use parameters from a database. I have a report that has one input parameter (serial_number). No big deal as far as the report goes.

I have a table that has the following structure:
email serial_number 123 456 789

There are hundreds of email / serial_number rows in the database.

Each week, when the schedule kicks off, I want to send a report to each person in the table, and the report has to use the serial_number for that person.

So, the To: email address has to come from this table, and the reports input parameter must come from this table.

I've watched all the How To videos, and none of them talk about looping through all the records in the database to do send reports.

Do I create a query that returns both the email and serial_Number fields? Do I create 2 queries, one for the email address, and another for the report parameter? If I do that, is CRD smart emough to keep the correct email address with the correct serial_number?

Thanks for your help,
Jim Dresser
Rochester, NY

Re: Looping through a database for both email addresses and input patameters - How ?

I answered my own question.... Dynamic Schedules. Once you walk through it, it actually works pretty well.

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