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CRD Setup for multiple users


We have recently upgraded to CRD Ent Pro Plus which is to be installed on a virtual Server.
I was the sole user of the application beforehand and due to the success and potential of the tool we decided to upgrade.
What I want to know is the best solution for the following.

I want CRD to be installed on our virtual server and administered by our team, however, what is the best way for various other departments/users to view, run, have limited functionality to this server based app?

I have checked out the user management demo but have a few questions.

a) Would CRD need installing on each users PC? in which case, can the user management control each installation from the server?

b) Alternatively, would it be best for only one instance of CRD be installed and users gain access via Windows Terminal Server sessions?

As you can see, I'm a bit confused on where to start with this.

Many thanks

Re: CRD Setup for multiple users

I haven't done this myself as I am still in the planning stage, but this is what I found from talking to the Christiansteven support guys. They would recommend the terminal services option. But here are a few things to bear in mind:

1. CRD uses an Access database to store schedule information and this is pretty bad and slow when you have multiple users logged in simultaneously. So I would recommend that you migrate the database to sql server or some other odbc compliant database. Make sure that all users have rights to the database after you have uploaded.

2. Each of the users need to have access to the CRD system folders, so you should go to Options and change these from c:blaablaa to UNC format (myserverblaablaa). Make sure that the folders are shared and all the users have full read write and delete rights to the folders. Also make sure you share the christiansteven folder in program files and give the users full rights.

3. Install the NT service scheduler, not the background application scheduler. That way the scheduler is churning away on the server even if on-one is logged in.

3. Now set up all your users with the rights you want. I would recommend you use Windows authentication instead of CRD authentication as this ties the CRD to the user that is logged on to the ts session.

Remember to do all the above whilst logged into the virtual server as the Administrator so you have full rights.

Now here's what should happen:
When a user logs into a ts session, they will actually see a copy of their windows profile. They can start CRD and it will connect to the shared database and use the shared system folders. Their rights will depend on the username they used when logging into the ts session.

The advantage of doing it this way is that yu don't have to do multiple physical installations of CRD on different PCs, and you don't have to maintain them if something goes wrong.

Some pitfalls:

It depends on how your TS is set up. If users have their own Program Files folder for their profile, then you will have to install CRD for each user. I believe you may also have to register and activate each installation the first time it is used in the TS session. If they all share the server's Program Files folder, then this issue doesn't arise.

Let me know if this helps and also if you find any gems that will help me when I come to do this next month.

Re: CRD Setup for multiple users

Thanks Amit,

I'll let you how it goes when we come round to setting it up.


Re: CRD Setup for multiple users

I recently installed Ent Pro Plus on Citrix server this seems like the best way to reach a wide range of users with CRD.

30 users

Terminal vs Workstation

Create SQL DB
30 CR Installed
30 CRD Installed
30 ODBC Connections Setup for SQL DB for CRD
30 Admin setup
30 Maintanence and Upgrades
30 machines to Trouble shoot

Terminal Services

Create service account with admin right to DB, CRD and Citrix box

Create DB

Install CRD on Citrix Box along with Crystal XI

In option set you scheduler to NT.

One place

For more details need to reply.

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