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Maintain formats with data only .xls output

Formatting of data only .xls output is not retained even though the option is check in the scheduler (CRD 6).
Has anyone else experieced this? and do you have a remedy?

Re: Maintain formats with data only .xls output

My formatting is maintained when I use the option. What problem are you having? What version of Crystal Reports have you got installed?

Re: Maintain formats with data only .xls output

I opened a ticket with CSE and they told me that while some types of formatting are retained, row colors, which I was using, is not.
My Crystal Report used conditional formatting...

Background Color: if datediff('d',date({In_Progress._137}), currentdate) > 45 then crred
else if datediff('d',date({In_Progress._137}), currentdate) > 30 then cryellow
else crwhite

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