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automation schedule -- application is still in task manager


we upgrade to 6.1. i noticed that whenever i run now my automation schedule that calls a vb program (which creates an excel file and sends it out to multiple recipients via sql send mail) the vb exe file and an excel apps are still in the task manager.

as a result, the excel file is not being sent out. if i run it manually, everything goes on smoothly.

we havent had this experience with version 5. we just thought that it would be nice to upgrade to the latest version. and it was using the same apps when it was still in version 5.

any ideas how to fix this. would be nice if the schedule will run on its own. or we can just downgrade again to the previous version.



Re: automation schedule -- application is still in task manager

If it works when executed manually then it sounds like a Windows permissions issue
to me.

Are you using the NT service scheduler or the background scheduler? Does it fail for both schedulers? Is there any information in the CRD Error log? Is there any information in Windows Event log? Does your custom application have log files?

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