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Daily schedule moan.


I wish that when choosing the frequency of a schedule you could have a choice of each day with a tick box. if a day is selected (lets say monday), the report runs every monday.

I have an issue where by I have chosen the option to run the report for evey weekday, then have included and exception custom calendar to ignore Fridays.

I find this a little annoying that I have to choose every friday manually for X months, Then when the last date expires I will need to manually change it again.

I'm not missing something here am I?

If not, could it be considered in future versions?


Re: Daily schedule moan.

Choose "Every week". Click "..." and uncheck Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Re: Daily schedule moan.

I Retract my moan.

Spot on Dave. you know your stuff.

Can't beleive I missed that!

Thanks again


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