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Is there a Limit on columns when exporting

Is there a limited number of columns you can export using CRD? I always get the following error when exporting a large number of columns to excel. Otherwise I can export fine.

See error below

Error Number: -2147190908
Error Source: ProcessReport
Error Line: 2600
Suggestion: The Crystal dlls you have on your PC are either out of date, or you do not have the right version of Crystal installed.
- If you are using CRD for CR 8.5, you must make sure you have CR 8.5 Developer or above installed.
- If you are using CRD for CR 9.xx, you must make sure that you have CR 9.xx Developer or Advanced installed.
- If you are using CRD for CR 10.xx, you must make sure that you have CR 10.xx Developer or Advanced installed.
- If you are using CRD for CR 11.xx, you must make sure that you have CR 11.xx Developer or Advanced installed.
- In all the above cases, ensure you download and apply ALL the hotfixes that CR have released for your version. CR hotfixes are not cumulative, so you have to install ALL of them in order to get all the fixes. Finally, if all else fails, send a screenshot of your CR Help - About screen to and we will send you the most up to date files. Make sure the screenshot is of CR installed on the same PC as CRD.

Re: Is there a Limit on columns when exporting

The error is being thrown up by the Crystal excel export dll and passed to CRD (the -2147190908 error is Crystal's error code)
so you should update your Crystal installation with the latest service pack and hotfixes.

Yeas ago there used to be a limitation of 255 columns. I don't know if this has been changed in later versions of Crystal. You may have to check with Business Objects.

Re: Is there a Limit on columns when exporting

ok, just added the latest hot fixes and I already have the latest service pack and I still am receiving the error. Do you have any other suggestions?

Thanks for your help thus far.


Re: Is there a Limit on columns when exporting

Re: Is there a Limit on columns when exporting

Thanks for the post.

The number of columns that CRD is trying to export is 146. The row count in the report is only 338. So this doesn't look like a Crystal or excel limitation.


Re: Is there a Limit on columns when exporting

I have a bunch of reports with between 190 and 260 columns and around 5000 rows exporting to excel daily without any issues.

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