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Two Parameters? Startdate and Enddate

I have about 30 monthly reports, and because there is a start date and end date I cannot use a "package" to have these run without having to change the parms every month. Is there any way to automate this process within CRD WITHOUT changing the report itself?

Re: Two Parameters? Startdate and Enddate

Right-click in the parameter box in CRD and select "Insert" then Constants. Choose CRD Constant or Crystal Constant and then chose the constant that you want for your start date and end date. Compl;ete the insert process and CRD will now calculate and put the correct dates for you every month.

Re: Re: Two Parameters? Startdate and Enddate

Thanks Pete! That is great.

Re: Two Parameters? Startdate and Enddate

Hi, I have the same issue, but i am trying to generate the reports daily, is there any way to change the dates every day?
btw, where is the param box? :S

Re: Two Parameters? Startdate and Enddate

The parameter box is where you enter the parameter values for the parameters in your report. If you follow the right click instructions above you can use the CurrentDate option of the CRD Constants to have the value change everyday.
I found the following demos on report parameters and CRD Constants handy:

Re: Two Parameters? Startdate and Enddate

never mind, is Report -> Parameters -> select param -> and right click on Discrete value....kind of hide, don't you think?

Re: Two Parameters? Startdate and Enddate

Thank you Pico :)

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