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Using constants in a Task

I have a folder setup for the daily reports I create

I place todays reports directly into
and then I copy yesterday's reports into
C:ReportsDailyCurrentMonth - CurrentYear2-01-2007

Is there a way to use a task to automate this?

I have my "select folder" as
C:Reports< CurrentDate;-1;MM-dd-yyyy>
and my "destination" as
C:Reports< CurrentDate;-1;MM>-< CurrentDate;-1;yyyy>< CurrentDate;-1;MM-dd-yyyy>

Re: Using constants in a Task

BTW I get the error message -
Corporate Daily Reports - Task Execution: Move Folder[Move Yesterdays Reports into Month folder] - Illegal characters in path.

Re: Using constants in a Task

If you right-click in the source and destination fields in the custom task you will see that there is no "Insert" facility. Simply copying the insert constants from some other area into these boxes does not work because the functionality to decode these constants does not exist.

In short, you can't insert constants where there is no insert option.

You are getting the error because Windows does not recognize "<" or ">" as valid characters for naming a folder.

I am fairly certain that the ability to insert in this task will be available shortly because I also use SQL-RD and this functionality is in SQL-RD. My experience is that when a new functionality is added to one product it usually also appears in the other within a matter of weeks.

If you are in a hurry, you could use a custom task to write a batch file (text file with a .bat extenxion) and then use another custom task to run the batch file.

Re: Using constants in a Task

I saved myself plenty of time by finding these constants (We've had CRD for almost a year, but last month it became my job to "change the days"), so I'll just wait for CRD to add this feature.

Thanks Pete!

Re: Using constants in a Task

This functionality is available from build 20070222.

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