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The reports are not distributing properly


The following scenario happens quite often: 6-7 reports from the previous day remain in System Monitor queue with status “Executing”. But from the history of these reports I can see that they all ran successfully and have been sent twice. When this happens, the reports scheduled for today quite often never start executing unless I kill the processes and remove hanging reports from the queue. Please let me know if it can be fixed. Your response is really appreciated.

Thank you very much,
Mayya Kalikhman,
Sterling Testing Systems, Inc.

Re: The reports are not distributing properly

Sounds like an enviromental issue here.
- Are your reports "meaty" ones that use a lot of processor and memory to generate (and take a long time)?
- Are you running CRD in a virtual machine?
- Are you using multi-threading?

Re: The reports are not distributing properly

Hi Trisha,

Thank you very much for your response. Bellow are the answers to your questions:

- Are your reports "meaty" ones that use a lot of processor and memory to generate (and take a long time)? - Yes
- Are you running CRD in a virtual machine? - Yes
- Are you using multi-threading? - How can I check for multy-threading?

Is there anything can be done to fix this issue?

Thanks a lot,

Re: The reports are not distributing properly

To check for Multi-threading, go to Options->Scheduler. Is Multi-threading switched on?

Re: The reports are not distributing properly

I'm not sure why this happens, but i had a very similar problem. In the latest build of crd you can go to exeption handling and increase the time crd considersa report as failed from 30 minutes to more and reduce the retries from 3 to 1.

This will probobly solve your problem or at least wont run every report 3 times.

Re: The reports are not distributing properly


Thanks a lot for your advice. It is very helpful.


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