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Rolling Thunder®, Inc. National POW/MIA/VET Forum

Rolling Thunder®, Inc.'s major function is to publicize the POW-MIA issue.  To educate the public of the fact that many American prisoners of war were left behind after all past wars.  To help correct the past and to protect the future veterans from being left behind should they become prisoners of war-missing in action.  We are committed to helping American veterans from all wars! 

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Rolling Thunder®, Inc. National POW/MIA/VET Forum
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Gen. Myers

The disgraceful display by Gen. Myers at Rolling Thunder; is this your idea of respecting the flag that American soldiers died to defend? I can understand wanting to get your message about the still-unaccounted-for POW-MIA's out to the public,but did you have to debase the sacrifices made by American soldiers since this country's inception to do it? Myers' wearing of the flag was clearly inappropriate, yet his image was allowed to be shown nationwide. You should ask yourselves how often you allow someone wearing underwear, or diapers bearing the image of the flag near your podium at a nationally-televised event such as Rolling Thunder? We both know the answer to that - never. So why allow such an obviously political attempt at pandering (for political support for a failing foreign policy)? Did the Bush Administration buy your support like they have with all of the other reported shills? You have done great damage to your cause by allowing it to be used like this,as many who would have previously supported your goals will now view your organization as being bought and paid for by the Bush Administration. With the plunging enlistment rates (the Army has just postponed release of the MAY recruiting figures - until "they can properly explain the situation to the American People" - to paraphrase their spokesperson), and the evolving scandals at the various detention facilities, do you REALLY think you are doing the present and future personnel going into danger any favors by propping-up a cadre of chickenhawks? I've given to your organization in the past, but that's past; I will not support a cause that so crassly trashes the flag for such temporary political gain.

Re: Gen. Myers

Dan Uhl,

I understand that you have taken umbrage with General Myers' utilization of the flag to make his point. It seems to me that his actions have been effective in making you more active and concerned. Too bad that you are taking the course of action that you propose. There are other more politically correct and conservative ways for you to express yourself that will suit you. I will defend your right of free speech and expression rather than taking the course of censorship. Your retraction of contributions to the cause will be missed. Your moralizations for the group will not. Neither the Bush Administration, nor the Kerry factions have bought our support. What "buys" our support are actions in the best interest of veterans, POW/MIA issues, and the resolution toward the betterment of both. Your attack on Rolling Thunder® through the use of a "kitchen sink" approach to the country's and military ills reads like yellow journalism. We support people that help us. We do not always agree with each other, nor, do we, as individuals, agree with everything that others do or not do. Politics are always temporary with a much shorter lifespan than you or I have so far enjoyed. You accuse the entire membership of Rolling Thunder® of crassly trashing the flag or, in a back peddling move, will say that we endorse it. Seems that you have taken note of how to join the ranks of prejudicial bigots under the banner of political correctness. Now, you have your own cause and your own drummer to march to.

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Replying to:

The disgraceful display by Gen. Myers at Rolling Thunder; is this your idea of respecting the flag that American soldiers died to defend? I can understand wanting to get your message about the still-unaccounted-for POW-MIA's out to the public,but did you have to debase the sacrifices made by American soldiers since this country's inception to do it? Myers' wearing of the flag was clearly inappropriate, yet his image was allowed to be shown nationwide. You should ask yourselves how often you allow someone wearing underwear, or diapers bearing the image of the flag near your podium at a nationally-televised event such as Rolling Thunder? We both know the answer to that - never. So why allow such an obviously political attempt at pandering (for political support for a failing foreign policy)? Did the Bush Administration buy your support like they have with all of the other reported shills? You have done great damage to your cause by allowing it to be used like this,as many who would have previously supported your goals will now view your organization as being bought and paid for by the Bush Administration. With the plunging enlistment rates (the Army has just postponed release of the MAY recruiting figures - until "they can properly explain the situation to the American People" - to paraphrase their spokesperson), and the evolving scandals at the various detention facilities, do you REALLY think you are doing the present and future personnel going into danger any favors by propping-up a cadre of chickenhawks? I've given to your organization in the past, but that's past; I will not support a cause that so crassly trashes the flag for such temporary political gain.

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