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i feel so far away

why do i feel so far away from God. I mean when i got saved I was so on fire, and now i have just drifted back into the norm at GHS, one of those drug people who could care less about authority and just do their own thing? Why do I feel sometimes as if im wondering if there really is a God. i know there is but yet I doubt. WHY? People say just repent and God will forgive you but what if your not ready to give up what you asking forgiveness for? what if you like what you do but you know its wrong? From Lying to cheating and curseing and doing bad things with people that I shouldnt and the list goes on. Why do I put myself in that position, because once im in it I know its wrong but I get that adrenaline rush from doing it. I feel like a addict on rebellion. what happened to me? I used to be a good christian but now I am just another hypocrit. Well i need someone to reply to this before I do something with someone i might regret.Its called pre-marital sex and being backsliden, it comes up more and more, trust me i know, im backsliden. Well please reply or pray for me.

Re: i feel so far away

wow my friend. that's a whole lot to take in. But what is the perfect christian? I've mess up to many times to count. We all have, but the great thing is that God is so awesome in that he loves us no matter what. At least you have conviction about what you're doing, conviction comes from the Holy spirit and that's God telling you that you need to back down from what you're doing. Yeah sin seems fun, that's the appealing thing, it just never gets you what you want. What God can give you. But when you sin you're hurting God, and no matter how much fun sinning is there is nothing that should make you want to hurt God. Before you do anything, sit down and think, TALK TO SOMEONE, a pastor somebody, they are there to help you and they want to hep you. No body is going to force you to have sex outside of marriage. and you seem to know that it isn't something that you should be doing. i hope that you were at church tonight for pastor Mark's sermon. If not get a tape, he touched on this exact issue. Pray hard search for God and you'll find him. "Seek and you shall find" He's just waiting to take you back and to give you all the things he's got for you, plans to prosper you. Living for God is a gagillion times better than living in the world. And when you give up that stuff God will reward you. It's not his plan to pull you out of crap to throw you into more crap. Seriously talk to somebody, e-mail Pastor Mark if you genuinely are in need of that much help
Things will get better, don't rush into anything,