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*I luv Nathan*

Hey KC, long time no chat!
have u got a job?!? I dunno what's gonna happen... i can't get out there, my parents wont drive me to all of them and i still dont have tixs

Please let a miracle happen...
i wanna see Nathan!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I Love my Gal

Hey babe,

Im sooo sorry, Centrewlink are spost to be paying me money for the last month of stuffing me round so if i get a decent backpay, I will be able to come. *fingers crossed* I prolly shouldnt spend my money on going to Sydney but what can u do.

I'll let you know on Tuesday night. I have to go see my sexy centrelink dude *grins* Ahhh I am such a shocker!!!!

Love you babe! Stay cheery, it will work out,. we just need a miracle.... or a wod of money!! *laughs*

*big hugs and stuff* Miss you lots


Re: *I luv Nathan*

Why not Kerrie, i thought ur daddy loves driving u everywhere