Science of Wholeness Metaphysical Discussion Forum

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Science of Wholeness Metaphysical Discussion Forum
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If There is a Hell...

According to information coming through direct voice mediums in seances, there is an aspect of the afterlife that is a sort of hell but it is actually very cold, dark, dreary, murky levels of existence, NOT a hot, burning place as some Christians would have one believe. No soul is ever permanently bound to an eternity in any sort of hellish existence regardless of it being too cold or hot. However, those individuals who are absolutely selfish to the detriment of others, or would hurt others without any regret will tend to end up in earthbound states or in one of the many very dark, cold, and backward levels of existence. Eventually all "backwards" beings through the process of personal evolution will find their way out and into the lighter, warmer and more heavenly spheres of existence. There are thousands of spheres or spiritual worlds of various degrees of vibration, quality and light. Most people regardless of religous belief will find themselves in one of the heavenly realms after passing over. Those who serve others with the best intentions will find themselves in a world of the most pleasant existence which is as real, complete and substancial (if not more so!) as the one we live in now.

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