Science of Wholeness Metaphysical Discussion Forum

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Science of Wholeness Metaphysical Discussion Forum
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The planet is now locked into 'ascension'.

Ascension is a shift of consciousness and biology to the 5th dimension in one lifetime.

There is a map and there are instructions. However the bible is not one of those instruction manuals to ascend.
The bible has no information whatsoever for the 'potential' ascending initiate.

Who DOES have this information?
Earthmother/Terra, Nature Realms, Guardians from beyond this time and space, ancient Ancestors (who have the knowledge of why they died and didnt ascend.. have the knowledge of who HAS ascended (and didnt. Who has said they ascended (and didnt).

It takes a lot of inner work to commune with our planetary consciousness, and it also takes 'tools'.
As one starts this communing work, then ones ascension starts.
There is no physical manual/physical works or references THAT HAS YOUR OWN DEFINED ASCENSION MAP.
And to have it revealed is about Communing with the higher dimensional realms (that DO have it).

Namaste and Blessings