Science of Wholeness Metaphysical Discussion Forum

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Science of Wholeness Metaphysical Discussion Forum
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Where do we get spiritual integrity?

Spiritual knowledge that raises the consciousmind, heals our form, creates the 4th dimensional crystalline form and ascends us.

We get it from those who know spiritual knowledge.
From the upper dimensional realms.

These are all the higher dimensional realms than the 5th dimension.
However the lower vibrational beings below the 5th dimension WILL try and interfere.
They are in fear of their existance, so of course, they will interfere.

There are those who are called 'mapcarvers of ascension' (
Not scientists, but sincere spiritual seekers, who never gave up, who pushed and persevered to get their answers) - who have been interfered with themselves, who have listened to the wrong voices, and have been able to keep pushing forth, until they got the Divine Source.
.. and surprisingly it is the Nature Realms.
And now many (not science) have mapped out these dimensions and 'who/what' is in these dimensions
(keylontic dictionary)

Not just airy fairy symbology of what the Nature REalms are (of animal. bird, insect, plants, minerals), or vagaries of the spiritual realms, but honest to goodness information applicable to the individuals ascension (where they are going wrong, what needs to be addressed next, and so forth).
The 'spiritual consciousnesses' of the 8th dimension, of the Nature REalms, are there to guide and mentor EACH AND EVERYONE to their personal ascension.

BUT many cannot get this level of communication, because of the interference of these lessor beings.

And this interference is allowed, because of our karmic attachments with these lessor beings.

So now the dream is used to guide and mentor - but many cannot get to these messages either, because many assume and believe what each dream is about, instead of using a pendulum or muscle-testing to their truths. Many discount or disregard their dreams, again because of a belief it is irrelevant, instead of penduluming such.

Our dream is being intervened by Terra (EarthMother), ALL Nature, Elementals, Guardians, Ancestors. Every dream is a pertinent message.
Most of the dream in the early initiations are about ones karma - personal issues requiring to be addressed.
As the initiate addresses some karma, this puts them on a particular initiatory level, and Terra starts to guide them.
Then as more karma is cleared, the initiate has 'come out the otherside' of karma, able to remove themself from the 'wheel' - and now is listening to their One Source, The Tao, Terra, ALL Nature, Elementals, Guardians, Ancestors...
* for the ascension/planetary work that must be done
*to learn the Sacred Sciences, Capstone Codes, Fire Letters (all truths of Transformation and Ascension).
* to do all that one must to create the crystalline form
* the initiate is now moving into Sainthood - and in in absolute Service to Terra, The Tao, and humanities ascension.


Namaste and Blessings
oKa .. you will see Shaktivyra, that you maynot know personally of these upper dimensional spiritual beings, their truths and their purpose, but many others do. xxx